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Dedicated Designs


There are so many opportunities out there for savvy digital marketers to heat up their campaigns and boost sales this summer! At Dedicated Designs, your Sacramento marketing company, we understand...
For companies and organizations of nearly all types, social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram are not just trends, but crucial components of any successful business strategy. These platforms offer...
As a Sacramento marketing agency truly committed to building relationships within our community and growing companies, we know that staying ahead of the competition requires leveraging every advantage available. For...
Every Sacramento ad agency will tell you that reaching your target audience is crucial. Lucky for you, at Dedicated Designs we provide you with the tools and knowledge to help...
If you’ve never considered the importance of design when it comes to online marketing strategy, now is the time! Creating an eye-catching Google Ads campaign that converts leads is more...
By Courtney | Web Designer In my years working in the marketing & web design industry, the most common question clients, friends, and even family members ask me is “do...
A robust digital advertising strategy is necessary for any company to truly stand out, and Sacramento, with its unique blend of cultures and industries, presents a golden opportunity for businesses...
Northern California businesses are constantly seeking effective strategies to stand out and connect with their target audience, but it’s not always as simple as it seems. And let’s face it,...
One of the most important parts of the services we offer at Dedicated Designs, a marketing company in Northern California, is the opportunity to reflect on each project we complete...
Color theory is one of the most powerful, yet often overlooked, tools at the disposal of companies when it comes to their branding and marketing. From the moment a potential...

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